Electricity and gas Purchasing for Industrial & Commercial Customers
Training Course
12 hours online
Energy Procurement Managers
Energy Buyers
Contract Managers
Supply Chain Managers
Energy Managers
Facilities Managers
Commodity Traders
Purchasing Agents
Financial Analysts
Cost Analysts
Energy Consultants
Operations Managers
Regulatory Compliance Officers
Industrial Energy Managers
Commercial Energy Managers
Energy procurement is more complex than ever, with rising energy costs, and plethora of suppliers and contracting and hedging options. This course takes you through the basics of energy markets, risk management, and hedging. It then addresses various purchasing options to achieve optimal sourcing results.

"Introduction to energy markets • Structure of electricity and gas markets
• Stakeholders in electricity and gas markets
• Energy price formation
• Energy price behavior"
Holistic energy risk management and hedging
•        Various risks in energy risk management
•        Measuring and pricing energy risks
•        Available hedging instruments
•        Hedging strategies and their benefits, depending on industry
•        Decision and approval processes
•        Benchmarking
•        Reporting
Contract basics
•        Measuring consumption
•        Contract structures and master contracts
•        Volume flexibility
Purchasing approaches
•        Tendering
•        Physical vs financial purchasing
•        Splitting large loads
•        Cooperation with other buyers
•        In-house energy risk management
•        VPPs and long-term energy purchasing contracts
•        Third party portfolio management
•        Bespoke versus standardized contracting
Organizing tenders
•        Considerations for a tender
•        Project setup
•        Common pitfalls
Advanced purchasing
•        Including own generation into the purchasing strategy
•        Including demand response into the purchasing strategy
•        Third party financing of own generation
Green purchasing
•        Options to purchase green electricity and gas
•        Calculating environmental impact and footprint
•        Other options to reduce environmental impact from an energy point of view
Hedge accounting for energy risk
•        Introduction to IAS 39
•        Introduction to IFRS 9
•        Margining considerations