Power Plant Transformer Fundamentals
Training Course
16 hours face to face/ 2 days face to face
Electrical Engineers
Power Plant Engineers
Transformer Technicians
Maintenance Engineers
Substation Engineers
Operations Managers
Electrical Technicians
Power Systems Engineers
Facilities Engineers
Technical Consultants
Project Engineers
Utility Engineers
Asset Managers
The course is primarily intended for O&M staff at all levels of experience working in power plants but should also be of interest to engineers and managers involved in new project development. The course gives attendees a comprehensive yet in-depth survey of a broad range of topics relating to the specification for order, the design, the operations and the maintenance of the transformers with a detailed review of the various forms of transformers degradation that may occur in the life of the transformers. Drawing on our field experience working at power transformer throughout the world, the objective is to provide attendees clear instruction to the specifiers, installers and users that will have an impact transformer’s reliability, efficiency, and operating life. The essentials information for effective determination of the root cause of failures that can occur in a transformer will be provided too.

How to specify a transformer The major parameters to define a transformer will be
A link will be established between the impact on the
operation, installation, and the cost for
all data necessary for a good definition.
Thus, the choice of rated power, rated voltage, isolation
levels, loss, impedance, resistance to
environmental effects will be discussed. "How to determine the best total owner cost for a transformer? This part will deal with the optimization of the cost of using
This cost is according to their intended use like load factor
and parameters such as the cost
of energy and the duration of depreciation.
Examples and simulations will be presented."
"How to design a transformer? (Example of calculation three phases transformer with 2 windings) From the previously specified parameters, the structure
and some major basic physical relationships connecting
the main components will be developed.
The flow aspects in the magnetic circuit, no-load losses,
load losses, impedances, dielectric distances will be
Review of the routine, type and special tests and their
An explanation will be given regarding the interest of
testing the transformers.
For each test the physical description of what is verified
in the transformer will be stated and
the benefits of these tests for the users will be given.
Maintenance operation
The maintenance of the transformers is low, but however
the conditions of use and installation
are very important and must be mastered and followed.
A method to evaluate the ageing is also shown
A demonstration will be made to show what can be
monitored using the real-time Eco-structure
The main parameters of transformer wear will be shown
as well how the customers can get
back the main information regarding the transformers in use
Evaluation of the life duration of transformers related
to their thermal requirement with IEC60076-7
Following the rules given by IEC 60076-7, a synthetic
presentation of the method of calculating
aging is made.
Some examples of aging calculations on transformers
immersed in a liquid with different load
cycles are presented with the software used.
Determination of the transformer’s health index
and analysis of gaz
A method for calculating the health index of transformers
has been set up by CIGRE and this
health index can be determined on the fleet’s
The course explain what parameters are involved and how
the calculation is made.
A review of current method to analyse the gaz is also included
Identification and classification of Transformer
The analysis of the faults encountered on many
transformers (~300) will be synthesized,
identified, and classified for around 15 categories.
The percentage in relation to the total faults will be
indicated in a summary table.
Best available technology for Medium Power Transformers
The main raw material for the main components used
today to design a transformer should be
described. (Core, Windings, Connections, tank, oil)
The structure of the main components should be
explained to reach the lowest costs.
How European country has built its regulation to
improve the energy efficiency of the transformers
The methodology, the actors, the implementation
process, earnings expected for the
environment, the impact on the standardization of the
products will be developed.
The inventory will be drawn up and future directions
being discussed widely described
This training explains how European countries have
determined the new regulation for the
efficiency of the transformers.